
You will need to change a number of settings in the administrator panel to get best use out of GeoNetwork. Login in as an administrator, and visit Admin Console -> Settings.

In the main System Settings tab, we recommend making changes to the following sections. Note that there are many other options that you can also change, see the official documentation for more information:

Catalog Description

  • Fill in a Catalog Name

  • Fill in the Organization

Catalog Server

  • Change the Host, Preferred Protocol, Port and Secure Port to match your install. For example if you access the catalog at the URL then you’d set the following:

    • Host:

    • Preferred Protocol: https

    • Port: blank

    • Secure Port: blank

  • For the Timezone, set the most appropriate one for you. In the UK this is probably Europe/London


  • Change the Email to the address you want catalog emails to come from

  • Fill in the address of your mailserver (the SMTP host, and set the rest of the options in this section as appropriate.

To test, save your changes and then click the Test mail configuration button. This will send an email to the specified address, so make sure it’s one you have access to.


If the catalog server is not part of the same domain as the email address, then messages from GeoNetwork may be classified as spam.

User feedback

  • Click the Enable feedback option to allow people to leave comments on records

Search statistics

  • Click the Enable option to store search statistics

INSPIRE Directive configuration

  • Click the INSPIRE option to enable the ability to display records by INSPIRE theme on the home page. Ensure you have the INSPIRE thesaurus installed (see the page on classification systems for details)

  • Click the INSPIRE search panel option.

Metadata configuration

  • Click the Remove schema location for validation option. This prevents validation errors from records where the schemalocation is incorrect or cannot be reached. In this case the schema files loaded on your local server are used instead.


Be sure to click the blue Save Settings button to save your changes!